Thursday, August 11, 2011

vfffk';l .mnnnbbvfbbnnnnmm,hhhyhk bv v cnasfgfv.;lkj (aka Luke's Big Day)

(BTW: Ella typed the first part of the title of this blog.  She really wanted to help.  ;) )

Today was a really big and special day for Luke.  It was his first day of pre-K 4.  Can you believe that Mommy's sweet little Luke is old enough to be in Pre-K!  I still remember the day he was born (as I am sure Mommy does, too!)  He was such a little thing - all cute and little with his tiger tail coming out of his crib.  I miss those days, but am sure enjoying these days as well.

The day started out more special than we could have imagined.  While getting dressed this morning, Luke got a special phone call.  It was Mommy!  I wish everyone could have seen the sparkle in his eye when he spoke with her.  (Of course, we forgot to take a picture!!!!)  There was one funny story that happened during all of this.  After Mommy had talked to Luke for a minute, he gave me the phone.  It was on speakerphone so Luke and Ella could hear everything that she said.  Well, of course, a Mommy voice is a little different than a sister voice.  While Angie (Mommy) was talking to me about what the plans for the day were - Luke stated, "That's not my Mommy, she doesn't sound like that."  I responded, "Yes it is Luke, here, talk to her again" and handed him the phone.  Mommy instinctively started talking in her "mommy" voice again and Luke said with as much certainty as ever, "This is Mommy!"  I wish the world could have experienced the smile he wore. 

After talking to Mommy, we headed off to school.  Grandma and I both wanted to be there with Luke on his big day, so I headed off to pick up Dusty and Grandma packed Luke and Ella in the car to head to OFA.  I must say, we had a slight panic this morning - we couldn't find Luke's booksack!!!  I winded up finding it, thank goodness.  I would have hated having to use an old booksack on such an important day!

When we arrived at OFA, Luke helped Grandma and me get his booksack and nap-pack out of the car.  We were able to convince Luke and Ella to take a picture together before headed to the school house.  Luke wanted to stand next to the Yellow car in the parking lot - he said it was Bumblebee from Transformers.  How fitting considering he is now a Yellow Jacket!  :)
Since Dusty and Luke arrived at the same time, we were able to catch a good picture of them together.  They don't realize right now how special this picture will be to them one day, but considering I was in the same shoes some 12 years ago, I do.  I can remember when I was a Senior in High School and Dusty was in Kindergarten.  I would take him to school with me every morning.  Those are some of my fondest memories.  I hope Luke and Dusty share that same bond 12 years from now. 
While we were taking pictures - we figured we needed one of Dusty and his BFF, Shelby Reid.  They are quite the pair.  Dusty is captain of the OFA cheerleaders and Shelby is the captain of the OFA Jackettes. We really are proud of them both.
After we finished taking a few photos, it was time to head to class.  Luke grabbed Ella's hand and lead her in the direction of the Elementary School building. 
After a short walk through the parking lot, we finally arrived at Luke's school!
We traveled down the lower elementary hall and looked for the door to Ms. Rickie's class.  Then, we found it!  And what did we find on it???  A green apple with Luke's name on it!!!! 
When we entered the room, Ms. Rickie told us that Luke needed to do everything by himself.  It is really important that he learns that he is a big boy and be independent.  She told Luke what she wanted him to do and he did a good job following instructions.  First, he needed to hang his booksack on one of the hooks at the inside of the door.  Then he would need to empty everything out and put it in its place.
Next, he needed to put his lunchbox away.  Luke tried to figure out where he should put it.  Ms. Rickie wanted him to look and see where the other kids lunch boxes were and he should put his in the same spot.  At first, Luke picked the wrong spot.  (I told Luke to look for the other lunch boxes and put his in the same spot.)
And then he found the right place.  But there was a problem.  He couldn't quite get it up that high!
But it was ok.  Luke has a really nice teacher and Ms. Rickie gave him the little push he needed.  (BTW Mommy - look at the bow in your bitty girls hair!)
Next Luke needed to put away his nap mat that Mommy made for him for school.  He knew right away where it belonged!
Then it was time to put his BEE (Bring Everything Everyday) book in its proper spot.  This is the book that Luke brings home everyday with homework, notes, artwork, etc. and then we return it the next day with everything filled out.  Luke had no problem putting this in its proper spot either.  The only question he had was which color box did his need to go in.  :)
Luke did a great job putting everything away.  We were really proud of him!
Now it was time for Luke to take his seat.  Even though a full day had passed since Luke was first told where his seat was - he knew exactly where his chair was and went straight to it.  He sat with a smile and waited for his teacher to bring his coloring book to him for coloring time.
It was time for us to go.  Luke was a big boy and as hard as it was to leave, it was time for his new adventure to go on without us.  One person in particular did not know what to think about us leaving her brother behind.  Now, she pondered, what was she to do??

Ella doesn't start her Mommy's Day Out program until Monday, so she got to go to work with Grandma at my office.  We've made her a little play area with some of her favorite toys to keep her busy when she is there.  She played with her baby but couldn't figure out why the baby wouldn't push her in the stroller....
Since Ella's babies were cooperating, she figured she would put them down for a nap.  Maybe when they woke up they would do what she wanted.  ;)
After so much work teaching and playing with her babies - Ella was exhausted.  She finally fell out and slept soundly for an hour on her nap mat her mommy made her. 
There is nothing in life sweeter than the face of a sleeping baby. 

When it was time for school to be over, Grandma and Ella left the office to go meet Ethan and Erica when they got off the bus.  It was Ethan, Erica, and Dakota's first day of school as well.

Uncle Quincy headed over to get Luke.  When Luke made it to the office, we checked his folder and found that the teacher had put a note in his BEE book stating that he had a good day and he received a green smiley face.  We were all so proud.  When we asked Luke what he had done that day, he informed us that Cowboy Luke had turned into an Indian.  When we asked him where Cowboy Luke went, he told us he had disappeared.  So apparently today he is Indian Luke.  Nice.  Luke also told us that he had a good day.  He said he played outside and learned stuff from his teacher.  He said he didn't have any friends yet because they wanted to play Power Rangers but he didn't.  When I asked him why he explained that it was too hard to fight with swords.  I told him that everything is hard until you learn how to do it and that he could do anything he set his mind out to do.  I have no doubt that he will have a few new best friends soon.  Like I told his Nanna (Ellen) today - he will easily make friends - he is Scott's son afterall!  ;)  We also got notice that his school pictures were scheduled for tomorrow.  (Don't worry Mommy and Daddy, we ordered a packet!)

When Grandma and Ella made it to Aunt Lizzie's to wait for Ethan and Erica, they took a few seconds to look at Uncle Eric's chickens.  Then, the next thing Ella knew, her cousin Ethan was there.  She was so excited to see him.
Next thing Ella knew, she turned around and her cousin Erica was there, too! 
Ella had a great time playing with Ethan and Erica while they waited for their mom, Aunt Lizzie, to get home.  They have the coolest toys!
Once Aunt Lizzie made it home, Ella and Grandma headed home, too.  The kids then got an extra special surprise - their Nanna (Ellen) called to check on them and see how Luke's first day of school went.  Luke told her all about his day and how he got a green happy face in his BEE book.  Nanna was super proud of Luke and he was pretty proud of himself as well!  We also told Nanna how Ella helps me type my blog - she wondered how I could do it since Ella is a full time job by herself.  I told Grandma to tell her that she forgets I have special powers - I am the one who can get the girl to wear a bow in her hair all day long!  :)

Tonight has been just another normal night at the house.  Luke plays with everyone (in rotation... haha) and Ella bullies me!  (Totally kidding, she is a sweetie.)  I taught her how to Eskimo kiss and after that all she wanted to do was rub noses over and over and over again.  And trust me, when I say over and over and over again, I mean over and over and over again!  It is amazing how she picks up on everything you do and mimics it immediately.  She never fails to amaze me.

When it got close to bed time, Ella, Luke, and I went and jumped in the bed and snuggled while Uncle Quincy played his football game.  Let me tell you, there was a battle in the bed.  Luke is a really cuddly, tender hearted little boy and loves to hug, kiss, and say, "I love you."  Ella is too, but only when Luke is.  Basically Luke tries to hug and Ella makes it her mission to get in between whomever Luke is loving and separate the two.  Luke and I hugged super tight so Ella couldn't get us apart.  She thought that was soooo funny!  I really love times like that and how special it makes me feel, but I would give it all up in a second for Mommy and Daddy to be the ones experiencing it first hand themselves.  I know they will soon, and until then I will continue to let the kiddos practice their hugs and kisses on me so they will be perfect when it is time for them to share them with Mommy and Daddy again. After a little playing, it was bedtime for Luke - it is a school night.  It was Uncle Quincy's turn to read a book to Luke, Luke loves having his nightly bedtime story.

Tomorrow I will be dropping Luke off in the carline for the first time and I am nervous.  I know he will be taken care of and they will make sure he makes it to his room, but I still can't seem to get the butterflies out of my stomach.  How, oh How, will I handle my BFF going to her first day of daycare next week???  I guess I'll take a lesson from the little train book I read to Luke and Ella at bedtime last night... "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." 

Until next time, sending love and hugs from little arms and tiny fingers. 

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