Friday, August 26, 2011

Settling into our routine but still having a little fun!! :)

Wow!  It's been a while since I've been on here and honestly, most days I am so busy that by the time I go to bed I can't remember what all we've done that day!  We are still having a great time with the kiddos and they are really adjusting well to their new schedule and routine.  This post is going to be a little shorter (yea right) and is more of just a chance to catch us up and to post some of the cute pics we've taken the last week and a half.

First I want to go backwards a minute to Ella's first day of school.  There was the cutest picture that I forgot to share and I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to see it.  After we got home that night and ate our dinner, it was bath time.  Ella knows the routine pretty well.  When we get done eating, Uncle Quincy usually runs the water and either he, grandma, or I put them in the tub.  But first, Ella goes potty.  So, Grandma tells Ella to head to the bathroom to go potty and take a bath.  She did the funniest thing.  She walked straight into the bathroom and got straight in the tub.  Didn't go potty, didn't take off her clothes, nothing!  She just got in, clothes and all!
Next, I would like to go back to the day of Luke’s check-up with his new doctor.  Luke enjoyed meeting his new doctor, but I do just mean meeting him.  He did have to get three, yes THREE, shots!  He told Grandma on the way out that he didn’t want to go see that doctor anymore.  When Grandma asked why, Luke replied, “Cause this doctor gives shots!!”  Grandma reminded him that the doctor promised him that next time he came he wouldn’t need any more shots, and shouldn’t need any more until he is a big big boy.  (Lord, let’s hope he doesn’t get sick and need a steroid shot or need a tetanus shot!!) 
While Luke was at the doctor’s office, Nurse Pat asked him “where did you get all those freckles on your face?”  Luke replied, “They just grow on me!”  J
Now to get back on track…. Or at least try to!
On Wednesday (8/17), Luke and Ella both went to school and both had a really good day.  Ella, as you all know by now, gets out at 12:00, so she comes and “works” at the office with Grandma and me.  By work I mean color, play, un-file papers, and all the other fun stuff a little girl can find to get into.  On this day Ella caught sight of Grandma’s headband.  (Grandma is trying to grow her hair out while Mommy is gone and we are all going to go and donate our hair to Locks of Love together when she gets home.  It’s been pretty easy for me and Erica, but Grandma sure is struggling!)  Anyway, Ella decided that this headband would make a better pair of glasses than a headband!  What a stinker!
On Thursday (8/18), Luke and Ella again both did the normal school routine.  Up in the morning, breakfast, getting dressed, and heading to school.  Luke gets out of school at 2:45 each day and usually Uncle Quincy goes and picks him up.  Afterwards Luke and Uncle Quincy both come to my office and we help Luke with his homework.  Luke really enjoys doing his homework at his very own desk in my office.
Ella sure does enjoy supervising to make sure he does it just right!
Thursday was also Dakota’s scrimmage game at school against Hammond High and we all decided to go over and see what our little QB could do.  (Ok, maybe he isn’t so little anymore!)  Luke really liked watching Dakota play and telling Grandpa what he could use some work on.
Ella also enjoyed watching the game as well.  (Ok, so actually she walked back and forth on the bleachers and spent time meeting new friends!  She even sat in Coach Sporty’s little boys lap!!)  We were, however, able to get her to sit still for a few seconds… and I mean a few seconds.  But don’t worry Mommy and Daddy, we are practicing and she will be a football lover in no time!
Once we made it home, Ella disappeared.  Look where we found her in the grandma’s room (temporary storage room, haha)!  I wonder if she knows how much Grandma Madden would have had a cow if she could see her – or maybe since she is her reincarnated, she is just trying to play her old Organ!!!  haha
Friday (8/19) was another day of school and again we did what has become our little routine.  I close my office early on Fridays so I try to pick Luke up this day if I can’t pick him up any other day during the week.  I like the little trips in the car when it is just the two of us (or the two of us and Ella).  It gives us the chance to talk about his day and just visit.  On the road home that day he asked me the craziest question.  He asked, “NaNa, why do we have skin?”  All I could think was, “Um, I don’t know” but I tried to give a better answer.  (No such luck, I’m not very creative!)  I told him we have skin to hold all our guts in.  Of course he then asked what guts were.  Oh lordy, I had no idea how to explain guts.  The best I could come up with was guts are our bones and muscles and stuff like that.  Luke says, oh like blood.  I responded, “Yea, exactly, like blood.”  Luke then asked if we had guts in our fingers under the skin.  I said, “Yep.  We sure do.”  He then wanted to know if he had guts in his tinker.  It took everything I had not to laugh.  I just said, “Uh, Yea, pretty much.”  So if someone gets asked about guts in his tinker you will know where that came from!!   He is such a goofy kid!
On Saturday (8/20), we went to Aunt Kathy and Uncle Cammie’s house in McComb for a birthday party and fun day of swimming.  The kids (and Uncle Quincy) sure did have a great time swimming with all the other kids that were there.  Grandma let Luke bring his noodle from home to play with in the pool.
We had to keep a close eye on Ella because she is far too busy to stay in one place to long.  First she had to decide where she exactly wanted to get in the pool at.  She walks around like she is such big stuff.
When she finally found her spot, without any fear at all, she jumped in!  (don’t worry, Uncle Quincy was always right there!)  At first Ella would just sit in one place once she jumped in.  But once Uncle Quincy taught her to kick her feet and once she had that down – she was all over that pool!  She is such a good little swimmer already.
Ella also enjoyed playing with all the other kids on the Tractor big wheel and swing set.  She even took turns and let Kaylee drive her around.  (She normally wants to drive and makes everyone else ride!)
After a full evening of swimming, both Luke and Ella took baths at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Cammie’s house.  They then got to watch cartoons for a little while until it was time to go home.  Luke borrowed Baby Bear’s (Kathy and Cammie’s grandson) Alabama chair to sit in and watch tv.  Ella was not having it.  She kept telling Luke that he needed to get out of that Alabama chair!!!!  (Ok, maybe she was just trying to steal his seat, but I am going to believe that she just didn’t want her brother sitting in an Alabama chair!!)
On Sunday (8/21), Luke and Ella went to church with Grandma and Grandpa.  After church, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Quincy, Luke, Ella, and I all went to Hammond and ate pizza at Ci Ci’s pizza.  Uncle Quincy and I were going to take the kids to see the new smurf movie after eating, but Ella was COVERED in pizza sauce!  Of course, that wouldn’t hold us back.  We went over to the mall before heading to the movies and Uncle Quincy and Luke dropped Ella and I off and we headed in to buy a new outfit (to include a new mini-skirt.  It is my mission that she always own a mini-skirt.)  J  We even got a new headband with a 5-point crown!!!

While we were there was decided that Luke deserved a new outfit to wear to the movies as well and we found the perfect one.  (We took these pics after we all got home.)
We all enjoyed the movie (well, most of us.  Ella fell asleep half-way through!)  It was really cute and we had a great time together.
On Monday (8/22), Luke went to school as normal.  We had to check Ella out early because she had a doctor’s appointment with the audiologist in Jackson, Ms.  When we picked her up, we found out that one of Ella’s classmates had a birthday party at school that day and Ms. Ella had chocolate cupcake all over her shirt!   What to do, What to do?!?  Not to fret.  We’d just stop by Wal-Mart and pick up a new shirt!!!  (You know it kills me to shop for clothes for the girl!!!  Haha)  While at Wal-Mart, Ella just had to ride the Merry Go Round. 
Once we had on clothes we could be seen in public with, we headed to Jackson.  We FINALLY found the doctor’s office (which is well hidden in an old mall turned into a medical mall) – and Grandma started to sign Ella in.  Ella did not want to sit still (she had had a pretty long nap on the way up and was full of energy and ready to go!)  Finally, I had the idea of putting her on the counter where she was a captured little monkey.  The ladies all laughed as she hugged and played with the sign.  One of the nurses told us that a lot of things have been done to that sign, but this was the first time someone hugged it!  J 
After the doctor’s appointment, we had our long drive home.  We stopped for ice cream cones at Dairy Queen.  Ella LOVES ice cream cones!!!
On Tuesday (8/23), we were back to our normal routine.  The one special thing was that it was Ella’s day to bring snack.  Of course, with the doctor’s stuff the day before, Grandma and I completely forgot to go pick up the snack we had decided to bring.  But not to worry, we had a plan.  I would take the bitties to school and Grandma would head to the store to pick up the snack.  We decided on Grapes and Cheese sticks with juice.  (Buying snacks is expensive!  Haha)  The teachers said the kids all loved the snacks.  Thanks Madeline for your awesome suggestions! 
On Wednesday (8/24), after school we all went to Sumner’s meet the team show-off.  We got to see Dakota run a lot of cool plays and got a glimpse of what the next 4 years may bring.  We all cheered (including the kids) when they introduced Dakota as the Freshman quarterback. 
Ella had a good time and did a much better job of watching.  (See Mommy and Daddy, we are trying!)
After the show-off, the coach invited all the family to come onto the field and take pictures with their favorite player.  Luke rushed to the field to get a picture with Dakota.  When Ella and I finally made it down, we got a great picture of the three of them for Mommy and Daddy.
We also got one of Dakota with Grandpa to show Aunt Angie how tall Dakota is getting.  He has grown three inches since she left (or so!)  It looks like he is standing on the bleacher, but he is actually standing with his foot next to grandpa – and look, he’s taller than Grandpa!!!
That evening, I had made homemade spaghetti with meatballs that soaked up all the flavoring while we went to the meet the players.  When we got back, it was perfect for eating!  Ella sure did enjoy that dinner! (BTW - that is her second plate!!) All I could say is, “she is her Mommy’s daughter!”
On Thursday (8/25), we once again did the normal school routine.  That morning on the way to school Luke asked me if I would come pick him up that day.  I told him that I would do the best I could.  Of course, I made plans to be the one to pick him up.  As soon as he saw me I could see his face light up.  I could just tell he had something to tell me.  No more than the teacher opened the car door (long before he was actually in the car), he started rattling off how he had gotten in trouble for talking and had to move his worm down to the yellow apple.  But that it was ok.  He was really good at nap time and the teacher let him move it back to green and that meant he could play the star wars game that he loved!!!! 
Today (8/26), when Uncle Quincy picked him up from school, Luke told him that he didn’t like the star wars game and didn’t want to play.  He went on that he had gotten in trouble for talking in line – but it was outside so he didn’t know why they couldn’t talk.  He then quickly said, “but I didn’t get a note… check and make sure.”  Haha, gotta love it!
We all met back up at the office to finish the day’s work and head home.  Ella, being the bully that she is, decided that she wanted my hair to be different.  She jumped up in the chair behind me and yank!   Ouch!!!  I guess we need to start teaching her how to be gentle with hair!  J

While I was crying (ok, that’s an exaggeration) because I was now bald, Quincy and his little princess as he calls her got everything ready to leave.  Angie and Scott – let me apologize in advance.  Between both of your families – your children are going to be rotten by the time you come home!  Sorry!!!
Again I say I will attempt to do better at updating, but I can't make any promises.  Being a full time aunt is exhausting!!!! ;) 

So, until the next time, send lots of past due love and hugs from little arms and tiny fingers!  :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

And Away She Goes.....

The last few days have been pretty busy.  I never realized how much time and energy two little ones took.  I give it up to all the mommys and daddys in the world who are able (or should I say, have the energy) to do this every day for 18 years! 

Last Friday was Luke's 2nd day of school and his first day with both the boys and the girls.  He was super excited to go back to school and we were super excited that he was still enthusiastic about going.  I decided that I wanted to pick Luke up from school that day so I could experience the dreaded "car line" and see exactly what I was supposed to do.  I was prepared and left 45 minutes early.  I wanted to get there early and be towards the beginning of the pick up line.  Well, let me tell you, I messed it up!  (Put it this way - after my day, they sent a map home telling parents exactly how the car line works!!!  haha)  So, basically the car line weaves its way through Tycer Park Subdivision.  I knew where the entrance was to the elementary school, but didn't realize there was a maze I needed to drive through to get to the end of the line.  I drive up to the end of the road that enters into school and pulled over on the side of the road to wait.  All of a sudden, another parent (or aunt, who knows) drives past me and gives me this horrible look.  Bewildered, I look and think what the heck did I do.  Then I see it.... I was basically breaking in line!  The line went on for about 4 blocks and I had conveniently parked at about the 2 block mark!  Ooops!!  I was so embarrassed.  So, I drove around and got at the end of the line behind the mom (aunt, whatever she was) that had flown past me earlier... and man did I get some mean looks in the rear view.  All I could think was Great, now Luke is the kid with the selfish line-breaking aunt that picks him up.  Not the perfect way to start off a new school year! 

After sitting in the car line for almost an hour with all the shame one can imagine, I finally made it to the front of the line to pick up Luke.  He jumps in the car and of course, we do the standard how was your day greetings.  I then notice that Luke is wearing a name bad.  I asked him what his name bad was for.  He replies just as serious as can be, "It's because I'm car insurance."  I laugh and say, "Luke do you mean "Car Line?"  He responds in just as serious of a tone as before... "Yea, I'm Car Insurance!"  HaHa!

Friday night we had a laid back night just hanging out and playing games, reading books, and watching a movie.  Luke had a big day planned for Saturday and we wanted to make sure he was well rested so we went to bed relatively early. 

Saturday was LSU football fan day.  Daddy, Momma, Quincy, Dakota, Ethan, and Luke all decided to go.  (It was just too hot to make Ella stand in line all day plus Aunt NaNa had some plans for the girls!)  Luke was really excited to go with all the boys and Grandma to meet the LSU football players.  You should have seen him getting dressed - he just knew he was going to get to go play with them! 

The three boys posed for a quick picture when they made it to LSU.  The boys all love LSU football and were all thrilled to be back on campus again for the start of another year of football and tailgating.

There were super long lines to get into autograph sessions.  But not to worry, the boys found the perfect way to waste some time. 
Once inside, everyone headed to the "most important" table.  Grandpa wanted to get another autograph from Les and Luke wanted to meet him himself.  Everyone was excited to see him up close and personal.
Then it was time for Luke to get his own special picture with his favorite coach.

Luke sure did have a good time with his Grandpa meeting Les and all the football players. 
After standing in line for such a long time and meeting all those "grown-ups", it was time for a little kid time so Grandma took Luke over to the Mike's Kids Club area for a little fun.
It was lots of fun!  Plus, Luke even got a chance to meet his favorite tiger, Mike, and take a picture with him... well, kinda!  haha

While the boys were having fun over at LSU - me and the girls were having a little girl time.  I promised Erica back in April on her birthday that I would take her shopping and for a surprise.  It had taken some time for the day to come, but when it did, it was a blast!  Erica, Ella, and I headed to Baton Rouge to the Mall of Louisiana.  After going through a few stores and making a few purchases, we decided we needed a break (Ok, Erica decided we NEEDED a pretzel - and Ella and I were down with that decision!)

As you can see in the above picture, while we were enjoying our pretzels, the girls spotted the Merry Go Round and they just had to ride it!  Of course, I thought it was a great idea and after our snack we made our way over to get in line.  Once on the ride, the girls picked their horses and loaded up.  They had a great time riding and giggling as the horses went up and down.

After our ride, we decided to go burn off some energy at the Play land in the Mall.  The girls loved taking their shoes off and running wild with all the other kiddos.  (I was just glad they had free sanitizer for our hands!  haha) 
Ella loved going down the slide over and over.
And Erica did such a good job helping me with Ella.  She was like her shadow, even following her down the slide to chase her to the next obstacle.
After an hour of playing (and lots and lots of sanitizing), it was time to head to Erica's surprise: Build A Bear.  It was so funny, we walked over towards the store and before I even told Erica that was where we were going, she exclaims - Look Aunt NaNa, it's my favorite store!  I started thinking "crap she's been here before - there goes the surprise" and asked her if she had been there before.  She replied, "Nope but its still my favorite!"  Whew!  So, I say, "Well lets go build a bear then!"  You should have seen her smile!!!  Once inside, Erica picked the cutest pink bunny (Future Zeta!) and she and Ella had a good time stuffing, bathing, and clothing her new friend.

Then Erica made her birth certificate.  She named her new friend "Rosie Bell Andrews."

Ella had a good time making a birth certificate as well... or at least pretending to.  :)
I'm glad that we took the time to have this special day.  The girls and I had a blast.  I think we will need to do this again soon... well, maybe something similar.  Build A Bear is expensive!  ;)
Sunday we enjoyed all going to church.  All the kids were there and it was nice having the whole family together.  (Well, almost.  We were missing a few important people!)  We did have all the little ones though and I must say, I have some good looking nieces and nephews!
That evening, Ethan and Erica were both baptised.  It was a special day.  I wasn't feeling well so I missed it, but Grandma said the service was really nice and Luke got to sit in big people church and witness it first hand.  Grandma had a great time explaining to him what a baptism was and that one day when he was a big(ger) boy he could make the same decision.  He thought that was kinda cool.  Plus, he thought it was really cool that Ethan and Erica got to get wet and then change into their pajamas at church!  What a silly little thing he is!  Gotta love that kid!

After church, Ella decided she needed to ride the 4-wheeler alone.  That girl!  We know we need to hide those keys plus the keys to the car.  I really think if she could find them and reach, she'd be off on her own in a heartbeat! 

Monday was Ella's big day.  Her first day of daycare!!!  I had been trying to prepare myself since Luke's first day, but wasn't quite sure how I or she would take it.  I just knew that my little BFF would want me to stay or at least make me carry her in.  HA!  Yea Right!  I guess I had forgotten that this little girl thinks she is grown already.  When we arrived, she confidently walked from the car to the school door.  I guess she remember coming there with her mommy a few weeks ago. 
We did get her to stop for a quick minute for a picture by her school sign.  Ugh, her cuteness takes my breath away!
After that, it was time to go inside.  Again, without hesitation, she headed into her new school.  All I could think was "and away she goes." 
I really think sometimes that with everything going on  in my life right now, I may need her more than she needs me.  But then I remember that she can't pour her own milk or carry herself to bed at night and I know that at least until her Mommy gets home, she at least needs me for some little things! 

Once inside, Ella went straight to playing.  She didn't cry, or even whimper once.  I was proud for and of her.  Now if I can only make it through the day without going to get her.  (I tried to go get her early, but Grandma said No, she needs to meet her new friends and teachers.)  :(

Ella did make my heart smile when I went and picked her up.  She ran to me so quickly I couldn't even get a picture of her leaving her first day.  Sorry, Mommy, but this was as good as I could get!
We left her school and headed to my office.  We didn't even make it half-way to my office and she was out.  I'm so glad Ella's Mommy had the forethought to make her a nap mat to have at my office.  It sure is coming in useful!
While Ella hung out with me at the office (napping), Grandma had to take Luke for his checkup.  He had to get 3 shots!  Grandma said he was a really big boy and the doctor said all looked good with him.  :)

That night, we just hung out, ate dinner, took baths, read books, and went to bed.  Luke got his first yellow apple day so he wasn't allowed to play any video games that night.  We had a talk and discussed why he can't talk in class when the teacher says quiet time or when the teacher is talking.  He said he would "try" but then said "but sometimes I need to tell her something."  haha - I can remember thinking the same thing when I was around his age.  I explained to him that he could tell his teacher what he needed to but that he needed to follow the rules first.  He said, "Oh, like I have to raise my hand?"  I told him that was exactly the right answer and he promised he would do that the next day.  :)

Today Luke and Ella both went to school and did their normal routines.  Luke got a smiley face in his Bee Book but told me he got another yellow apple for talking too much.  It was the funniest thing.  I didn't even ask him.  He just told me.  At least the kid is honest!  We went over the rules again and he had to miss playing video games again.  He said he wouldn't talk at all tomorrow when the teacher said quiet time because he really wanted to play his new star wars video game again.  I hope so.  I miss playing it with him too!  haha 

Ella did well today.  She got timeout once and they said she cried and cried like her little heart was broken.  (She does know how to turn the water works on.  Trust me!)  Otherwise, they said she had a good day and was a really good girl. 

I'm glad the kids are both off to a good start with school.  I hope it continues to go so well for them both. 

Never forget Mommy and Daddy that you are missed and as always, sending love and hugs from little arms and tiny fingers.